NZ Marine Collagen - is a rich natural source of active components such as hydroxyproline to maintain the collagen-containing tissues within the body. Marine collagen provides benefits for both skin and hair. It contains beneficial nutrients such as polysaccharides, vitamins, and essential sea minerals to support collagen production and skin elasticity, and to protect against the visible signs of aging or U.V damage.
Hyaluronic Acid (HLA) - is well-known for its skin supporting benefits. Helping to hydrate and plump, acting on the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. HLA is present within every tissue in our body and supports healthy collagen production in the body. Hyaluronic acid can retain over 1,000 time its weight in water giving its much sought-after effect of skin plumping, hydration, and skin radiance.
Vitamin C - helps support healthy tissues, maintain collagen and provide everyday antioxidant effects.
A deficiency or poor levels of Vitamin C can affect healthy collagen formation.
Resveratrol - contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help protect against oxidative free radical damage that can naturally occur as we age. Free radical production is a normal daily process in the body to some extent, however it is easy to be overwhelmed by free radical production (oxidative stress) as we are exposed to it on a constant basis in our environments, (air pollutants or pesticides, fumes), fried or trans-processed foods, intense exercise and high levels of stress can all encourage oxidative stress, contributing to the aging process.
Research shows resveratrol to be a SIRT1 activator in the body. Sirtuins are a group of proteins that have a vital role on certain pathways in the body which are involved in functions such as anti-aging, longevity, neurological & cell health, and our well-being. Low or poor levels of SIRT1 is thought to contribute to aging by affecting our long-term gene expression.
Colloidal Silica - are silica particles that are suspended in a liquid. Allowing for better absorption in the body. Silica is a mineral that is concentrated in the skin, hair, nails, and bones. It helps to ensure strength and resilience in these tissues. Silica is important in connective tissue formation helping collagen levels, our skin health and revitalise our skin and hair. It’s a natural anti-aging mineral acting to support optimal collagen production and support tired dull skin, hair and nails.
Biotin - is part of the B vitamin family also called, vitamin H or known as, B7. Biotin has many essential functions in the body, it assists with supporting healthy essential fatty acid, fats, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and regulation of certain gene expressions in the body. It also is a valuable vitamin for helping with connective tissue, healthy hair and nails.
Zinc - is needed for function at a cellular level for immunity and healthy skin repair and recovery. Zinc is a necessary co-factor for many other minerals in the body.
Zinc helps to support absorption of essential nutrients and their uptake in the body. It is also required for optimal collagen production in the body.
Vitamin E - Support’s healthy skin by its antioxidant action within the body. Antioxidant helps neutralize free radicals and oxidative stress which can contribute to skin cell damage and the normal aging process. Vitamin E is both a nutrient and antioxidant with a long history of use within skin health.